Many of the Honor Societies on campus require their members to perform community service. Below is a guide to acceptable forms of community service as well as a form to be used to log community service hours.
California Scholarship Federation (CSF)Adviser: Mrs. Betsy Okamoto
[email protected]
Room H65
Ext. 42665
[email protected]California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an organization that emphasizes high standards of scholarship and community service for California high school students. It was founded in 1921 and it is the oldest scholarship institution in the state of California. Please read the following information about the organization and find out why you should join as well as finding out important dates for the new school year.
What is CSF?California Scholarship Federation (CSF) honors outstanding high school students for their academic excellence and community service and is recognized by colleges and universities throughout the country. Students may join CSF by simply applying for membership after each semester's grading period of high school (seven semesters total) if they meet the eligibility requirements. Eligibility is based upon a student’s grades from the previous semester. For each A that a student may receive is three (3) points and for each B one (1). A student must have 10 points in order to be considered eligible for CSF. Also, for

honors or advanced placement classes a student may earn a bonus point (maximum of two). Students may check the eligibility lists that are posted outside of the Hawthorne Office and H65 to see if they meet the requirements. Please note that students are not automatically inducted into CSF; they must apply for membership each semester. If a student is a member in CSF for at least four (4) semesters by graduation (only sophomore through junior years with at least one semester from their senior year), they are granted the title of CSF Sealbearer. They are presented gold cords to be worn at graduation, gold seal on their diploma and a note on their official transcript that indicates they have achieved Sealbearer distinction. Should they have been active in community service, they may also earn a stole to be worn at graduation should they have a minimum of 60 hours of verifiable service. Only CSF and NHS are allowed this honor. They are also eligible for one of the many scholarships that CSF awards every year.
Freshmen may join CSF after they have completed one semester of high school. They are considered junior or associate members under the constitution of the state CSF Board. Therefore, their first year in high school does not contribute to Sealbearer status; once again, only their sophomore, junior and senior years count. However, students are encouraged to join and be recognized for their academic achievement. CSF membership is published each semester in the PTA PawPrints and on the CSF web site.
During the spring semester of their junior year, members in good standing are eligible to run for a position on the CSF Board which they will hold as a senior. The positions of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, and roughly eight at large representatives are open. Board members assist with the membership drives, the Sealbearer Banquet, as well as the yearly elections. This provides an opportunity for leadership experience and school involvement.
The Application Process
The application consists of three lists that weigh academic required classes, academic electives, as well as other qualifying classes and activities (such as AVID and Orchestra). Ten points must be earned (on each semester's application) to be eligible; applicants are disqualified if they earn a D, F or U in any class that semester. The points are based on the grades a student receives; three (3) points for each A, one (1) point for each B. If a student takes an honors or Advanced Placement (AP) class, they will earn a bonus point for the grade (i.e. A in AP Chemistry would be four (4) points, three (3) points plus the bonus point). There is a membership/application fee each semester. Participation in school and community activities is encouraged, but is not required for general membership; however, if a student earns Sealbearer status (membership in four semesters starting with their sophomore grades with one during their senior year), they may apply for the community service stole which is worn at graduation. The stole signifies that a student has not only achieved high marks in high school, but has also devoted a minimum of 50 hours to community service.
Applications must be submitted by the designated deadline, retroactive membership is NOT allowed except for grade changes by faculty. Also, the application deadline is very specific and set in stone. If the deadline is 3:00 p.m. by September 23rd, the application will not be accepted if it is turned in at 3:01 p.m. on September 23rd. The applications must be turned in by the applicant; no one else may turn it in for them regardless of the situation. The application period is 12 days long; plenty of time for students to handle their business.
Transfer Students: If a student transfers from another school in California and was a CSF member, they must notify advisers as the membership is transferable. If a student transferred from another school in California and was not a CSF member, they may not go back and apply for membership for semesters past; however, they may start the process at Peninsula if there are still four semesters in which they will attend the school. If a student transfers from another school that was not in California or the United States, they may earn retro-active membership based upon their transcript. Transfer students, PLEASE notify Mrs. Okamoto immediately so that membership may be handled immediately.
National Art Honor Society

Advisor: Jamie Nyman
[email protected]Approximate membership:
Eligibility requirements:
Application window:
National Chinese Honor Society

Advisor: Ms. Grace Anderson
[email protected]Approximate membership: 60
Eligibility requirements: Membership is open to all students have taken Chinese language for 3 semesters in a high school and who meet the criteria of the Chinese Language Association of Secondary Schools (CLASS) as well as the Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Chapter By-Laws. The national minimum standard for scholarship shall be a cumulative scholastic average of at least 3.5 in Chinese and a minimum non-weighted GPA of 3.0 on all academic subjects. Candidates shall also be evaluated on the basis of academic integrity.
Application window: The end of January through the end of February.
The purpose of this organization shall be to not only recognize high scholastic achievement but also leadership, character, and service and to perpetuate the advancement of international friendships and to create enthusiasm for Chinese language learning as well as the understanding of culture.
National English Honor Society

Advisor: Ms. Kate Peters
[email protected]Approximate membership: 50
Eligibility requirements: must be a sophomore and have a 3.75 unweighted GPA or higher in order for application to be reviewed
Application window: May/June
National Honor Society

Adviser: Ms. Borstel
[email protected]Approximate membership - 175
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since their beginnings in 1921. Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in activities of the NHS. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. Territories, and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
Eligibility requirements: Juniors and Seniors with an un-weighted total (cumulative) average GPA of 3.65 or higher, 60+ hours of community service and 2 or more strong leadership positions are eligible to submit a Candidate Information Packet (C.I.P.) for selection in the Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Chapter of NHS in September of their junior or senior year (junior year is suggested). Check the door of room S10 the first week of school for a list of eligible students. If you are expecting a grade change that will allow you to become eligible, the grade change must be complete before the last day of August of the year you wish to submit a C.I.P. Please note that unsatisfactory marks in citizenship or demerits can affect selection, given citizenship is one of the pillars of NHS.
Candidate Information Packets are only available to eligible students at the Mandatory Informational meeting, usually held on a Wednesday evening of the first full week of school. The original C.I.P. must be scanned and uploaded in a pdf format to a PVPHS TEAM specifically for prospective NHS members, as the paper C.I.P. will not be accepted, by the designated deadline, with no exceptions. The deadline is posted and set in stone, and a C.I.P. will not be accepted even 1 minute after the deadline. Students have almost a month between the Mandatory Information meeting and the deadline; plenty of time to complete the packet. Other requirements include, but are not limited to: written in ink, NO WHITE OUT: strike-through and initial any incorrectly written information.
The process by which students are selected by the Faculty Council for membership is based upon the four pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. C.I.P.'s should be neat, orderly and complete.
Transfer students who are NHS members at another school are automatically accepted into PVPHS NHS and do not need to submit a C.I.P. for review. Please provide Mrs. Borstel with a copy of your acceptance letter. Returning members do not need to attend the Mandatory Information meeting or submit another C.I.P.
Once selected for NHS membership, attendance at all meetings as well as the induction ceremony are MANDATORY, as well as cost of membership of $175 for 1st year members and $50 for 2nd year members. Additional requirements to maintain membership include but are not limited to: a 3.65 or better GPA each remaining semester, one (1) hour of library tutoring per semester, two (2) community service hours per month, two (2.0) service hours of textbook check-out for rising seniors in Aug/Sept, and one (1) hour of textbook return for all Juniors in May/June, as well as all other NHS activities.
Failure to complete any one (1) of these activities will result in probation. Once on probation, failure to complete a 2nd activity will result in removal from NHS.
During the spring semester of their junior year, NHS members in good standing are eligible to run for a position on the NHS board which they will hold as a senior. The positions of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and up to 6 other board positions will be open. Board members assist with preparation for and at all meetings, speak at induction, and assist with elections, among other activities. Expect to assist a minimum of 10 hours during Aug/Sept/Oct. These positions provide an opportunity for leadership experience and school involvement.
Application window: The original C.I.P.'s must be completed and uploaded to the NHS Prospective Member TEAM in late September for selection into NHS.
International Thespian Society

Advisor: Seth Cohen
[email protected]Approximate membership - 15
Eligibility requirements: Points earned through participation in Drama class and Drama activities and performances
Application period: January
National Junior Class League (Latin)

Advisor: Bettina de Guzman
[email protected]Approximately 130 members
Eligibility: "B" average in Latin class, member of JCL (Latin Club)
Application Window: October
Mu Alpha Theta National Mathematics Honor Society
Approximately 150 members
Eligibility requirements: Enrolled in Pre-Calc or higher; grade of B or higher in all math honors courses, grade of A in all regular math classes
Application window: after 1st quarter grades are issued (i.e. November)
Quill and Scroll National Honor Society

Advisor (Yearbook and newspaper): Jaymee DeMeyer
[email protected]
Advisor (Literary Magazine): Betsy Okamoto [email protected]
National Science Honor Society

Advisor: Mr. Charles Lee
[email protected]Approximate membership: Varies
Eligibility requirements:
Open to juniors and seniors.
Juniors must have two years of science classes completed, and a third year of science classes in progress and seniors must have a fourth year of science classes in progress.
Must have a B (unweighted) average in all of the science courses.
At least two Honors or AP level science classes needed to be taken before or during Junior year.
Currently enrolled in a science class.
Application window: Early Fall
National Social Studies Honor Society

Advisor: Collette Dunn-Kotke
[email protected]Approximate membership: 100
Eligibility requirements: Juniors and Seniors only. Must have completed at least 2 years of history courses with a 3.5 gpa. Application requires completing a short essay and other short answer questions.
Application window: September or May
Tri-M Music Honor Society

Advisor: Dan Doctor
[email protected]Approximate membership: 65-70
Eligibility requirements: Grades 10-12, maintain GPA of over 3.0 unweighted, must be enrolled in a music course
Application window: September