Palos Verdes PeninsulaHigh School

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Our Visual and Performing Arts Department (VAPA) provides many opportunities for students to focus on their arts areas they are passionate about as well as explore new areas in the arts. We have a dedicated space on campus - the Bradbury Smith Art Gallery - to display student art work.
VAPA includes opportunities in:
Proposition 28 - AMS Funding 
In 2022, California's voters overwhelmingly voted in support of an historic Arts funding bill, guaranteeing 1% of the state's annual budget be used to supplement and expand arts offerings at Public K-12 schools across California (beginning in 2023-2024 school year). 
This is a level of funding for the arts that our school's have never seen, and because the funds are site-controlled and proportional to student-body size (with approval and release of funds being at District discretion) it ensures that schools can tailor the funds to their specific needs. Peninsula's Arts faculty began planning in January of 2023 and submitted our first round of spending requests to the PVPUSD in May, 2024. The first round of funding is being used to provide additional access to trained professionals in dance, music, tech theater and sculpture/design. Additionally, we are hoping these funds can be used in other classes to eliminate the need to ask for parent donations for classroom expendables such as clay, paints and other necessary supplies as well as to replace some of the larger equipment needed to provide the infrastructure that supports our arts classes. 
The PVPUSD full report on Proposition 28 can be found HERE
Learn more about Proposition 28 from the CDE HERE
If you have additional questions about how PVPHS plans to use their Proposition 28 funds, please contact Seth Cohen
What has PV Peninsula High School spent there Prop 28 funding on so far?
Supplies for Ceramics classes, including clay, clay tools and glazes.
Photo and Video Production class supplies, including new cameras and camera accessories, ink for printing.
Pens, pencils, paper and paints for the Drawing and Painting classes. 
What are we hoping to do with our funds (pending district support)?
A technical director to work with our Theater students.
Sectional coaches for the Orchestra and bands.
A vocal coach to support our vocal music students. 
Department Head
Brendan Karg
PVPHS Prop 28 Coordinator
Seth Cohen