The athletic programs at Peninsula High School provide unique opportunities for students to learn valuable life lessons outside the classroom. Through participation in sports, students develop self-discipline, make sacrifices, and learn to work collaboratively as a team to achieve their goals. They also get the chance to demonstrate good sportsmanship, which fosters the development of good citizenship.
Our athletes experience both the thrill of victory and the challenges of defeat, learning important lessons from each. Participating in sports helps students build self-worth and confidence, and they gain experience in decision-making and problem-solving in real-world situations. Competing against and alongside peers from diverse backgrounds broadens their understanding of the world.
An essential aspect of our athletic program is the commitment to continuous improvement. We emphasize the idea of becoming 1% better every day. This focus on incremental progress helps our students understand the value of consistent effort and perseverance, leading to long-term success both on and off the field. By striving to improve a little each day, our athletes develop a growth mindset that will serve them well in all areas of life.
We encourage the entire school community to come out and support our athletes. Witnessing their hard work and dedication is truly inspiring. The contributions of coaches, athletic trainers, custodial staff, office clerks, and administrators are invaluable. Family support is also crucial to the success of our athletic programs.
Your participation, donations, and support of the Athletic Booster Club are essential in funding various levels of each sport. Thank you in advance for your time, effort, and monetary contributions to Peninsula Athletics. We look forward to seeing you at the games and celebrating the positive experiences and continuous growth of our athletes!
-- Dr. DJ Clovis, Athletic Director
Athletic Trainer
Scott Gaines - Head Trainer
Athletic Booster Club Meetings 2024-2025