Academic Decathlon
- Peninsula High’s award-winning Academic Decathlon program promotes learning and academic excellence among students of varying achievement through multidisciplinary academic competitions.
- Academic Decathlon provides all students the opportunity to excel academically through team competition focused on an exciting new theme each year—like China, World War I, the 1960’s—and this year—The Cold War. You’ll explore seven subjects connected to that theme, from art and science to math and economics. You’ll learn to move an audience not just with facts and rhetoric, but with confidence. And you’ll never do any of this alone. You’ll be working with a team—a team composed of students with a wide range of interests but a single shared goal—to be their very best academic, creative and competitive selves.
- Team Advisor: Ms. Voegtlin [email protected]

ComedySportz - High School League
- The ComedySportz High School League® is the largest, most successful improv training program for high school students in the country. The High School League® empowers students to create their own theatre and nourishes their communication skills through improvisational theatre workshops and performances. It encourages their individuality and provides the forum to succeed in a safe environment that combines showmanship and sportsmanship. Improvisation builds skills that go beyond the stage and into every classroom and college or job interview a person goes on, and the students get to have some fun too!
- Team Advisor: Mr. Cohen [email protected]
- CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program. At the center of CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. The competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services in a six hour period. Teams compete for the top placement within their state and region, and the top teams in the nation earn all-expenses paid trips to Washington, DC for the National Finals Competition where they can earn national recognition and scholarship money. PVPHS has sent teams to the Cyber Patriot national competition finals in Washington DC each of the past 4 years.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Twiet [email protected]
Math Team
- The goal of Math Team is to provide enjoyable and challenging math problems in order to help students improve their problem solving abilities. Members may participate for an experience with extended knowledge of mathematics or participate at a more competitive level. The team meets during lunch to compete in contests as well as prepare for off-campus competitions.
- Visit the Math Team website for more information
- Team Advisor: Ms. Vijaiyan [email protected]
Mock Trial
- The Los Angeles Mock Trial Program is an academic competition held each fall, which includes over 2,000 students in Los Angeles County. The trial itself is a simulation of a criminal case tried before a real judge at the Los Angeles Court House in downtown LA. Student teams study a hypothetical case, conduct legal research, and receive guidance from volunteer attorneys in courtroom procedures and trial preparation. Students participate as lawyers, witnesses, court clerks, and bailiffs, thus acquiring a working knowledge of our judicial system. There are also roles for courtroom artists and journalists. The Mock Trial Program encourages young people to develop analytical abilities and communication skills while gaining increased self-confidence. In the fall 2014 Mock Trial competition, the PVPHS team brought home the 2nd place trophy!
- Team Advisor: Ms. Gale [email protected]
Model United Nations (MUN)
- At Model UN, students step into the shoes of ambassadors of countries that are members of the UN, from Argentina to Zimbabwe. The students, better known as “delegates”, debate current issues on the organization’s vast agenda. They prepare draft resolutions, plot strategy, negotiate with supporters and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the UN’s rules of procedure – all in the interest of resolving problems that affect the world. MUN members get the opportunity to attend conferences at many different high schools. Peninsula MUN students, unlike students of other local MUN programs, also get the opportunity to attend prestigious college conferences such as those of UC Berkeley and Georgetown. Model United Nations is a great way to improve speaking skills and learn about world problems.
- During the 2020-2021 season we attended eight Zoom conferences and presentations during the fall semester and have a total of 20 scheduled for the year!
- Team Advisor: Mr. Dimitriou [email protected]

Ocean Bowl
- Ocean Bowl is a nationwide one-day high school ocean sciences competition. The students will prepare all year for one-day local competition to be eligible for the national competition. The academic competition introduces students to ocean-related topics (which include cross-disciplines of biology, chemistry, policy, physics, and geology) and prepares them to enter these and other science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers, all in an interactive team setting.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Lee [email protected]
- The "Varsity Sport for the Mind", FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources, and time limits, teams of 25 students or more are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program robots to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors. Team 2637 strives to develop an educational and convivial environment where team members may prosper in their desired field of study. Whether the student's future encapsulates business, programming, marketing, video editing, 3D modeling, or manufacturing, Team 2637 will impart a plethora of opportunities for every student to indulge in their passion. Students can also earn leadership positions and lead their peers with organized tasks. It’s a great opportunity for students to gain “real-world experience” without the drawbacks. There are also professional mentors who volunteer their time and talents to guide each team. Visit the team's website at to learn more.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Twiet [email protected]
Science Bowl
- Science Bowl® is a nationwide academic one-day competition that tests students’ knowledge in all areas of science and mathematics. The students will prepare all year for one-day local competition to be eligible for the national competition. These teams face-off in a fast-paced question-and-answer format, being tested on a range of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, Earth science, space science, physics, energy, and math.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Lee [email protected]
Science Olympiad
- Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events. Each school-based team is allowed to bring 15 students who cross-train for a variety of events in their skill set. Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation. Through Science Olympiad, students, teachers, parents, principals and business leaders bond together and work toward a shared goal.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Snodgrass [email protected]
Science Research
- Peninsula High School excels at science research!
- Los Angeles County Science Fair
- In the past 8 years, PVPHS has won more awards than any other school, and has won the Sweepstakes award 5 times.
- California State Science Fair
- PVPHS has sent at least 9 students every year and we won the Student of the Year award the past two years.
- Intel International Science Fair
- PVPHS students have qualified to compete in each of the last 12 years and have won numerous awards there.
- Team Advisor: Ms. Klose [email protected]
Solar Engineering
- For the past sseven years, The West Basin has sponsored Peninsula High School in the world's largest solar boat building and racing competition.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Chou [email protected]
Speech and Debate
- The PVPHS Speech and Debate team is one of the largest and most decorated organizations on campus. The team participates in competitive argument and public speaking tournaments both locally and throughout the country.
- Team Advisor: Ms. Hendrick [email protected]
- StellarXplorers is a challenging, space system design competition involving all aspects of system development and operation with a spacecraft and payload focus. its provides specific training in the use of system simulation software, Systems Tool Kit (STK) as well as an online textbook as a curriculum. Teams are given a scenario describing the system’s mission and constraints and they provide a solution to a typical space design problem, such as orbit determination, satellite component selection, and launch vehicle planning. Practice Rounds begin in October with Qualification Rounds beginning in November that determine which teams advance to the Semi-Finals in February. The top 10 teams from the Semi-Finals will receive an all-expense-paid trip the National Finals. This activity is hosted and sponsored by the Air Force Association.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Twiet [email protected]
Technology Student Association STEM competition
- TSA TEAMS: Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science (TEAMS) is an annual competition for students designed to help them discover their potential for engineering and leadership. During this one-day competition, to be eligible for national competition, students apply math and science knowledge in practical, creative ways to solve real-world engineering challenges. TEAMS sparks excitement by:
- Providing an integrated STEM learning experience
- Allowing students a unique inside look at problem solving from an engineer’s viewpoint
- Increasing students’ self-confidence in solving complex problems while working on a team
- Inspiring students to consider engineering majors and careers

- TSA EVENT: Student will prepare all year long for one-day competition to be eligible for the national competition. The program provides leadership opportunities in technology, innovation, design and engineering. Members apply STEM concepts through co-curricular programs. The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national organization of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). TSA is supported by educators, parents and business leaders who believe in the need for a technologically literate society. Members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities and much more. The diversity of activities makes TSA a positive experience for every student. From engineers to business managers, our alumni credit TSA with a positive influence on their lives.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Lee [email protected]
- VEX offers students a rich and exciting platform to immerse themselves in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) through the fun of building robots. Highly versatile construction system allows students to build whatever they can imagine. More information about VEX can be found here.
- Team Advisor: Mr. Twiet [email protected]
Pen High VEX Team at World Championships in April 2017