Tuesday 3/24 Message

Good Morning, Starshines!
I hope this drizzly morning finds you all hanging in there.
Today's mission is to get organized.  Think about wrestling with the following if you have not done so already.
1.  Sign up for our class on turnitin.com.  If you need instructions, see the posts from Friday.
2.  Make sure your reading comprehension responses and quotation responses are typed up and ready to submit on turnitin.com.  I will keep the due date at 4/6, but it would be nice for you to have them submitted by the end of this week, before you have a week off for Spring Break.
That's it.  We will start attacking the second half of Into the Wild tomorrow with the goal of finishing it by Friday 4/10.
As always, email me if you have any questions and, of course, stay safe.
Mr. Hall