Monday 6/1 Message

Good Morning.

I hope you are all coping and staying well during this incredibly emotional time. Many different forms of protest are continuing and social media debates are exploding. If you are being pulled into these debates, I will encourage you to listen. All year, we have been working on our ability to understand what we read, not just superficially, but down to the causes, truly understanding why people feel the way that they do. Now you have the opportunity to apply the skills you have been developing. Instead of being quick to dismiss or condemn, try to understand. It doesn't mean that you have to agree, but perspectives can bring wisdom to the opinions and beliefs that you formulate. They should still be yours, but they should be allowed to evolve with your experience. Listening, understanding, and thinking will empower your beliefs and ultimately your voice.
This week, you should be working on your final Gatsby essay which is due by the end of the day on Wednesday.  Please note that I will not accept late essays, so do not wait until the last minute when technical issues cannot be resolved.  I look forward to reading your thoughtful, creative, original analysis.  Please email me if you have any questions.
Stay safe.
Mr. Hall