Palos Verdes PeninsulaHigh School

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Track & Field Team

Pen High Boys take 1st Place at the California Winter Championships

2025 Track and Field Captains:  Sebastian Richardson, Tyler Malinowski, Zhian Xu, Lorelei Hamilton, Aaron DeRuyter, Melody Chiu, Kiyan Khaleeli, Landon Seidel, Iva Ivanov, and James Pinner.
The 23-year-old Peninsula High school record in the 4x400m relay was broken by these ladies at the Division 1 CIF Prelims on May 4, 2024 - Melody Chiu (11th), Lexi Blankenship (11th), Siena Cardenas (9th), and Kamara Nnadi (11th).
The 31-year-old school record in the 4x400m relay was broken by these young men at the Division 1 CIF Prelims on May 4, 2024 - Trevor Witkowski (11th), Tyler Malinowski (10th), Joshua Aviles (11th), and Tristin Maggio (12th).


Students must have proof of current physical with them in order to participate in any sport tryouts
<none scheduled>

All students who are on the Track Team MUST complete the online PVPHS Clearance Packet and turn in their Physical Form to the Health Office and their Clearance Confirmation Form to the Student Store. Details can be found HERE on the school website.

Both boys and girls track and field athletes traditionally compete during the spring season in the Bay League, as well as the CIF-SS Division 1. Boys and girls train together, but compete separately at the same meet. As with other spring sports, our season caps off the school year with a feeling of success for the Peninsula Panthers. We have had many successful athletes who have pursued collegiate careers in track and field, but most athletes finalize their athletic competition during high school.
There are typically 16 events performed at any given track meet, allowing many types of athletes an opportunity to compete. Our philosophy is that if you are willing to train hard and are determined to be a be a good teammate, there is a place for you on our team. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” - Tim Notke (HS Basketball Coach). While athletes compete in various individual events, on the Peninsula Track and Field Team teamwork and camaraderie are natural staples.

We have two levels of track and field: Frosh/Soph and Varsity. We train throughout the school year, but tryouts are usually a month before the first competition. Athletes from Fall and Winter seasons are always welcome to tryout when their sport has completed. Tryout announcements will be posted on this web page.
All Track Team members must complete the online PVPHS Athletic Clearance procedure as detailed HERE.
The Track Requirement document below must be completed and signed by student and parent in order to tryout in January:

Head Coach
Doug Esparza
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Horizontal Jumps

Assistant Coaches
Greg Miguel
Pole Vault

Otis Burrell
High Jump
Mark Pilato
Sprints Consultant
Billy Sanders
Devin Sharp
Brian Hults