Palos Verdes PeninsulaHigh School

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AVID 8th Grade Recruitment 2025

AVID is a 4-year high school program for students in the academic middle who want to improve their performance in school through structured support and guidance. AVID is NOT for for straight A students or for students who are failing many classes. It is a 4-year program for students who typically earn Bs and Cs (and sometimes As) but have the ability, the smarts and the desire to do better with a little academic coaching and support. For more information about the AVID program, please scroll towards the bottom of this page past this recruitment/application information.

Students must apply to be in AVID in their 8th grade year. Applications are due February 26, 2025 and will become available on this page starting February 6th. Applicants are carefully considered by a committee to determine if they are a good fit for the program (academic middle, desire to to do better and desire to be in the program). Aspects of the selection process include a student application, student interview, review of grades, review of iReady scores, teacher recommendations and counselor recommendation.

Below is a summary of the important events pertaining to the 2025 AVID Recruitment of 8th Graders.

Introduction to the AVID program at the middle schools on January 22, 2025 (Wednesday)
The AVID Coordinators from both high schools will give an overview of the AVID program to 8th graders. This presentation is for students who are interested in learning more about AVID and 8th graders who have been identified as a possible good-fit for the program by their counselor or teachers. This presentation will take place during the school day.

AVID Informational Meetings - January 27, 2025 OR February 4, 2025
These meetings are for both students and parents to come learn about the AVID program and ask any questions. AVID Coordinators will thoroughly explain the AVID program to students and their parents. Parents must attend a meeting if their 8th grader is interested in applying. Current AVID seniors who have been in the program for 4 years will be present to share their experiences and insights into AVID. There are two scheduled meetings and both are identical. Please attend whichever date is better for your schedule regardless of which high school you will be attending next year. Please fill out THIS FORM to receive important updates about the AVID Informational Meetings and other aspects of this year's AVID recruitment.

Attendance at one of the AVID Informational Meeting is mandatory:
  • January 27, 2025 (Monday), 6:30 PM @ Peninsula High School PAC
  • February 4, 2025 (Tuesday), 6:30 PM @ Palos Verdes High School MPR

AVID at the Peninsula High Open House on Thursday, February 6, 2025
AVID will be represented at the Pen High Open House on February 6, 2025 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in room H44. Current AVID students will be available to answer questions and share their experience of being in AVID. Mr. Spalding (AVID Coordinator) will also be available to answer questions and explain the program.

Application - due February 26th by midnight
This link to access the AVID application for Peninsula High School's AVID program will remain open until the due date of midnight February 26, 2025.

AVID Interviews
The Pen High AVID selection committee will hold interviews with each candidate. These interviews will take place at each middle school during the regular school day. Interviews for 8th graders who apply to Peninsula High AVID will be on the following dates:
  • March 5, 2025 (Wednesday), 8:30am-10:45am @ Miraleste
  • March 5, 2025 (Wednesday), 11:30am-12:25pm @ PVIS
  • March 6, 2025 (Thursday), 9:00am-noon @ Ridgecrest
  • Out of District Students - Parents of students who attend a middle school that is out of PVPUSD should email PVPHS AVID Coordinator Mike Spalding ([email protected]) to schedule an interview.
AVID Acceptances
Acceptances will be emailed out early May.
What is AVID?
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a four-year academic elective designed specifically for students in the academic middle (not high performing and not low performing). AVID operates with one guiding principle: Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge. AVID’s system brings research-based curriculum and strategies to students each day that develop critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas.

At PVPHS, the goal of AVID is to provide structure and support to kids in the academic middle to help them become higher achieving students and stronger applicants to four-year colleges during their senior year. AVID strives to prepare students for the rigors of a four-year college education.

Once accepted into AVID, students remain with the same AVID teacher for all four years and receive instruction focused on organization, study skills, test taking strategies, leadership opportunities, team-building, public speaking and writing. AVID students also participate in tutorials twice weekly in core academic subjects.

In non-pandemic years, over 90% of all AVID students have gone directly to 4-year colleges after graduation and are better prepared for life after high school.

Students are selected for the AVID program during 8th grade based on test scores and GPA. The ideal AVID applicants are students in the academic middle (not high performing and not low performing).
AVID Tutorials
Twice each week, AVID students attend tutorial sessions where adult AVID tutors moderate and guide small groups of students as they work through challenging questions from their content courses. Tutorials are a central component of the AVID curriculum where students learn to become stronger students through problem-solving, critical thinking and collaboration with others. Tutorials also provide direct support to students as they work to be successful in their content classes.

As a key component to the collaborative nature of AVID, students come to tutorials with questions from other content classes and receive support while they work through these challenging problems in small groups that are led by the AVID tutor. The goal of tutorial is to create an environment where students feel comfortable asking the tough questions that they may be too embarrassed to ask in their content classes. AVID tutors are essential to the success of AVID, acting as a resource and role models for AVID students both academically and socially.
AVID's Impact
For more than 30 years, AVID has prepared students for college readiness and success. From its beginnings in one classroom with 32 students in San Diego, it now impacts the lives of hundreds of thousands of students throughout the United States and the world. At PVPHS, AVID proudly and directly affects leadership opportunities, school systems, instruction and culture.
More Info
For more information, please visit or contact Peninsula's AVID Coordinator Mike Spalding  at [email protected]