Through a diverse range of campus and community experiences,
the Peninsula Leadership Program maintains a positive school climate
while inspiring its students to discover and utilize lifelong leadership qualities
Associated Student Body (ASB) is our most traditional leadership program. Thirty-five elected and appointed students plan campus-wide activities with the ultimate purpose of creating a welcoming, inclusive, and spirited high school environment. ASB oversees dances, lunchtime and after school spirit events, school-wide community service projects, fundraising events, grade-level games, and end of year activities for seniors. ASB leadership students participate in team building lessons and leadership training throughout the year.
Link Crew

Link Crew is a leadership program designed to welcome all freshmen and transfer students to PVPHS. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, approximately 120 juniors and seniors are selected each year to be Link Crew Leaders. In addition to running New Student Orientation in August, Link Crew Leaders plan large - and small - scale events throughout the year. In the spring, all current sophomores and juniors can apply to be Link Crew Leaders for the following school year. Selection is based upon an application, an interview, and staff recommendations. Link Crew is offered both as a fourth period UC-approved A-G elective course and as a seventh period credit-only course.
Peer Leaders Uniting Students (PLUS)

PLUS is a national peer-to-peer student leadership program which addresses school culture and climate. PLUS members facilitate monthly forums with students who represent a cross section of campus social groups. These students are encouraged to discuss critical issues they feel exist in their lives and on campus. PLUS also organizes stress relief and staff appreciation activities, a Yellow Ribbon Week to raise awareness about anxiety and depression, and a Red Ribbon Week to remind students about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. During national trainings, PVPHS is used as an example of how to deliver and integrate a PLUS program into a large public high school. This class is a UC system “G” elective.
Principal's Advisory Council
Principal’s Advisory Council (PAC) meets regularly with the principal to address school improvement and solicit input on proposed policy changes. Participation in the PAC has grown from 12 members the first year to over 150 PAC members. Bi-monthly meetings of the Principal’s Advisory Committee have addressed a variety of issues, including the testing schedule, nutrition breaks, school spirit, stress, and college admissions. As a direct result of these meetings, we have adopted a testing calendar, improved campus cleanliness with incentive programs, implemented a new bell schedule that offers a nutrition break, and developed a policy to address plagiarism and cheating.
Service Learning Leadership (SLL) raises awareness for and supports is-sues of community, national and global concern. SLL sponsors an annual Walk for Life that raises funds for cancer care and research. SLL hosts blood and canned food drives, offers volunteer events for students, organizes our TEDx event, and performs a host of other philanthropic endeavors for PVPHS. Many graduating Service Learning Leadership students have added non-profit and social entrepreneurial experience to their advanced studies. This class is a UC system “G” elective and is the first service based class to have such approval.