Palos Verdes PeninsulaHigh School

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Bonnie Angle » Weekly Speech Update 5/25/2020

Weekly Speech Update 5/25/2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your holiday.  Did you do anything special to celebrate Memorial Day? My family gathered our art materials and spent a relaxing couple of hours painting and sketching in the backyard.  It is fun to be creative.  Here are a few activities you can try this week to enhance your speech and language skills. 

  • Plan a picnic.  It can be in your house sitting on a blanket in your living room, in your backyard, or on your deck.  Think about who you will invite?  What time will it take place?  Will you make invitations?  Maybe you can cut up fruit and make sandwiches.  What will you have to drink?  Don’t forget the plates, cups, utensils, and napkins.  What did you learn?
  • Make small talk. Our speech sessions usually start out with sharing our days and/or our weekends.  Even the small things can be interesting.  For example, one of my students shared that a bird had built a nest outside of his window and laid eggs.  Another shared that he and his brother made puff pastries filled with meat after watching a documentary on KCET.  We can find common interests and this helps us make friends and build relationships.
  • Complete "Interpreting Perspectives Activity 1."  How do you evaluate others’ perspectives?  You have to recognize that people in the same situation can think different thoughts and have different opinions.  We should try to read people’s minds in order to infer what they think or feel and what they might do; we can’t assume others think the same way we do.
  • Listen to audiobooks.  Watch and listen to Kevin Costner and Jillian Estell read “Catching the Moon,” a true story about a female baseball player.  Do you understand baseball terms like mound, base, fly ball, triple, home run, and grounders?  Books can teach us many things no matter your age. Did you learn something from this book?  I did.

Please choose an activity or two that you find interesting, and let me know how it goes.  If you would like more activities, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I would be happy to help.


Be safe,


Mrs. Angle, SLP

[email protected]